They don't call us The Masters for nothing. We wise old heads of the Grey Goatee Golf Association go head-to-head this weekend with a nice little invitational tournament down in Augusta. They call theirs a major. We call ours THE major of the global golf season so far, just as it has been every … [Read more...]
Golf in the new world
This article appeared first in the June 2020 issue of Pacific Northwest Golfer. Don't overthink it, was my sage advice, offered to the only person certain to ignore it in my group, and I was playing as a single. Don’t get caught up in the symbolism of every little ritual of this return to … [Read more...]
Essential recreation
I don't think I've seen a magpie, nor would I know one if I heard one. Are they native to my part of Grey Goatee Nation? No idea. Doesn't matter. My boys, the sporting gentlemen of the 3GA, were chattering on like Heckle and Jeckle, giggling by text message just after securing reservations for … [Read more...]
There’s no next-best thing
We begin at the top when we start in to list the global sporting championships compromised by COVID-19. It's no joking matter, so we speak in hushed tones about postponement of the Bent Shaft Classic and lesser world events. It's not a tragedy. It's just a golf tournament. But what will we do with … [Read more...]
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